Hugo Hein & Partners
Phone +45 2547 8996 - All days from 09-18. All calls displaying the phone number are answered. E-mail: [email protected]

You are welcome to mail for further information (if any), a ship's location or an appointment direct with the owner
or his representative to inspect a vessel.  Please include your name, a
ddress and telephone number.
All details and specifications are believed to be correct. Always subject to the buyer's inspection and survey.
1 meter = 3.28 feet. 1 foot = 0.3048 meter.  1 HP = 0.746 watts. 1 Kilowatt = 1.341 HP.  LOA = Length over all.

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Other Vessels
Commercial Motor Vessels / Andre fartøjer

300 - 150 Feet

First Class Hotel Ship "Darli"
Converted 2004-2006 to Mini de luxe cruise ship, Long range Arctic Expedition ship or First Class Hotel Ship, DNV Ice-class. Sleeps 81 pax in 35 cabins. Location Mediterranean. New happy owner in 2009
189 57.50





2 x 740 1959
Dinner Cruise Ship - "Saga Queen"
Location Copenhagen, 210 passengers in three salons. Mint condition
Launched 2004 from Hvide Sande Ship Yard.
Mitsubishi 12-cyl diesel engine. Service speed 10 knots
163 49.70 11.00 624 836 2004 p.o.a.
arctic.sunrice.jpg (11117 bytes) Greenpeace Ship "Arctic Sunrise"
The Arctic Sunrise began its Green Peace life during the Brent Spar campaign. Sold to Greenpeace by Hugo Hein in cooperation with Ince & Co, London
162 49.62 11.50 949.00 1 x 2496 1975 Sold
galtesund.jpg (11936 bytes) Hotel, Conference and Office Ship   "Mathilda"
Ex Classic passenger/cargo  vessel, 19 cabins 
161 49.20 7.70 557.00 1 x 1400 1950 Sold

150 - 100 Feet

total.19.120.jpg (12136 bytes) Brevertien - Ex. Trinity Lighthouse ship
Plug and play restaurant ship.
Location Holland, new owners  in 2008
137 41.94 7.56 200 0 1951 Sold

100 -  70 Feet

German Police Patrol Boat
Converted to a sturdy and elegant motor yacht
Four cabins, 12 berths. The ship is reported to be in very fine condition
OBS: New reduced price
106 32.17 5.40 96.21 2 x 1500 1971 250.000
Long Range Expedition Ship - "M/S Arctic Janus"
An unbelieveable ship. 6.5" double oak hull and all accomodation in mahogany and teak. Will take you everywhere from The Pacific to The Arctic. Sleeps 18 in 8 cabins. Range 3000 NM. Permanent berth Christianshavn, Copenhagen.
100 30.64 7.25 208.00 1 x 500 1974 p.o.a.
giamani.jpg (10801 bytes) New bld. diving vessel -
16 pass. in 8 cabins + 6 berths for crew
Location Thailand
72 22.25 6.40 62.00 2 x 250 1998 Sold

  70   -  40 Feet

fanoe.jpg (12660 bytes) Tourist vessel - "Fanø" -
Work ship or live aboard. Certified for 48 pax 
Sold by Ferdinandsen & Sønner
65 19.80 5.18 45.42 1 x 380 1949 Sold
nanne.jpg (13823 bytes) Scooner project - "Nanne" 62 19.00 5.00 39.00 1 x 125 1929 Sold
Passenger or survey ship - "Findus"
Ex. "Portus" from "Købehavns Havnevæsen". - Certificate for 35 day pax.
Danish flag, surveyd by DMA. Rolls Royse diesel engines. I.S.M certified vessel.
Top speed 15 knots. March speed 9 knots at 50 liters per hour.
Site under construction
59 18.04 4.70 44.61 2 x 280 1965 199.000
graesholm.jpg (12680 bytes) Passenger Ship 'Graesholm' - mail for further info
36 passengers plus crew, Gardner diesel. Fully Certified.
Charter vessel, Korsør. Incl. god charter-forretning, hvor der allerede er
booked for det meste af 2010-sæsonen. DKK 895.000
58 17.86 5.03 40.29 1 x 170 1945 120.200
Ex. Marinekutter, Y-kutter "Takiap"
Danish Maritime Heritage, Appointed as "Traditional ship"
Very well maintained by Danish Navy untill 2005. Present owner
keeps the ship to a high standard. Sleeps 10. Grenå diesel engine.
Cruising or live aboard. Berth in Hundested might be taken over.
58 17.85 4.85 34.00 1 x 185 1929 120.000
Long range expedition Ship - "Misiliisoq"
Built for arctic operations, oak on oak, coppercladded hull. New John Deere
diesel engine in 1986. only 2000 hrs. Range at 7.5 knots approx. 1.500 NM.
Extensive equipment incl. water maker, biological waste system, sonar etc.
Four cabins, nine berths. A remarkable ship. Cruising or live aboard.
56 17.17 5.15 48.17 1 x 250 1967 265.000
Handy Catamaran Ferry - "Danfort 2"
DMA classed and certified for 98 summer passengers, 62 during winter,
Area D. Rady to sail. Location Copenhagen. DKK 2.900.000
  15.50 7.62 18.50 2 x 380 2000 390.000



You are welcome to mail for further information (if any), a ship's location or an appointment direct with the owner
or his representative to inspect a vessel.  You are invited to include your name, adress and telephone number.
All details and specifications are believed to be correct. Always subject to the buyer'
s inspection and survey.

birdtran.gif (3877 bytes)
Archive for Other Vessels - no more for sale..!

Feet Links LOA


27 Turistbåd i stål -  "Æ'Skiv" - sejler på Varde å 8.40 3.00 5.00 1 x 36 1993 info
   35 Hallmatic Pilot - new engines 1994,  Certified for 6 pax incl. crew 10.05 3.70 10.5 2 x 205 1979 "
45 Passenger vessel "Tunø" - Certificate for 38 pax, tour boat - Aarhus 13.65 4.27 19.95 1 x 90 1965 "
46 Ex. Lodsbåd - "Phønix II" 14.18 3.73 14.10 2 x 250 1986 "
49 Halmatic Pilot Boat - "Danish Fort I" 14.81 4.85 18.50 2 x 450 1986 "
53 Ex. Toldkrydser, Aluminium hull 16.30 3.70 u/20 2 x 300 1964 "
56  HMV-20 Patrol -  M/V Vega - Mercedes engines 16.10 4.20 19.00 2 x300 1980 "
59 Motorskib   "Samantha Westcoast"  18.02 4.10 36.90 1 x 280 1968 "
63 Patrol/Toldkrydser, 12 Pass. - Certified, Speed 23 knt 19.15 4.20 2 x 400 1977 info
72 Ex. Torpedo Boat, "Nuoli12", 40-50 knots, Finnish Certificate 12 pax 22.00 6.50 35.00 3 x 1200 1964 "
88 Motorship/Yacht  - "Mågen" , Trans Atlantic range 27.00 7.25 130.00 1 x 350 1960 "
91 Danish pax/car ferry, New engine, gear etc. in  1996                          27.80 7.30 174.00 1 x 610 1966/96 "
105 Tourist Ferry "Harald Blåtand"  - Helsingør/Ven 32.10 8.30 459.00 2 x 250 1982 Info
105 Seismic and hydrographic research, "Altair" now wreck hunting ship   32.08 6.50 148.00 1 x 280 1962 "
120 Adventure/Diving Ship, 120' 18 pax - Range 11.000 NM 36.50 7.20 257.00 1 x 750 1974 "
121 Fast Support/Diving  - ex patrol vessel 37.00 6.75 160.00 2 x 1812 1963 "
172 Ex. goverment vessel - "Nordjylland" 52.35 10.00 475.00 2 x 1100 1967 "
208 Ex. goverment cadett training ship 63.50 11.90 1313.00 2 x 700 1952 "