Hugo Hein & Partners
Phone +45 2547 8996 - All days from 09-18. All calls displaying the phone number are answered.

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You are welcome to mail for further information (if any), a ship's location or an appointment direct with the owner
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ddress and telephone number.
All details and specifications are believed to be correct. Always subject to the buyer's inspection and survey.
1 meter = 3.28 feet. 1 foot = 0.3048 meter.  1 HP = 0.746 watts. 1 Kilowatt = 1.341 HP.  LOA = Length over all.

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Ships & Ferries  *  House Boats  *   Other Vessels   *  Modern Motor Yachts  *  Classic Sailing Yachts & Ships  * Home

Classic Motor Yachts

150 - 100 Feet  

zein.jpg (9468 bytes) Classic Ex. Royal Yacht "Zein"
She was a wedding present from Aristotle Onassis
to Prince Rainier of Monaco when he married Grace Kelly.
Sold by owners
147 44.80 7.00 2 x 840 1928 Sold
Gentlemans Yacht, "Maha"
A yacht with a great historý. Part of World War II in US Navy
Needs refit and restoration - sold "as is where is"
Location: Bodrum, Turkey
136 41.60 7.04 2 x 500 1938 600.000
maid.marian.jpg (9936 bytes) Classic Gentlemans Yacht  "Maid Marian II"
Certiefied for charter work. Location in Thailand
Sold by owner
109 33.22 6.10 2 x 275 1931 Sold
main.side.120.jpg (10229 bytes) Expedition Yacht - "M/S Arctic Janus"
This is an unbelieveable ship. 6.5" double oak hull and all accomodation in mahogany and teak. Will take you everywhere from The Pacific to The Arctic.
Sleeps 18 in 8 cabins. Range 3000 nm. Ready for delivery.
100 30.64 7.25 1 x 500 1974 523.000

100 -  70 Feet  

Classic Patrol Boat - "Rylen"
Crusing or live'aboard ship. Accomodation: 134 m2. Plus 82 m2 deck area.
Construction drawings: Mr. Rienick, Orlogsvaerfet, Copenhagen.
Accomodation: A. Slaaby-Larsen. Launched 1949 from Koebenhavns Yacht & Motorbaadsvaerft for the Danish Custom Patrol Service. DKK 2.950.000
82 25.00 4.80 2 x 298 1949 396.000
svendborgsund.jpg (16408 bytes) Expedition Yacht   "Svendborgsund"
Ex. Norvegian rescue and patrol, fine condition,
Location Denmark
75 22.85 6.200 2 x 373 1966 575.000
amazone.jpg (10610 bytes) Classic "Little Ship" - "Amazon"
Steel hull, mint condition
Location in Holland - Sold by Schepzaken
72 21.95 4.20 2 x 160 1924 Sold

70 -  50 Feet  

Long range expedition Yacht - "Misiliisoq"
Built for arctic operations, oak on oak, coppercladded hull. New John Deere
diesel engine in 1986. only 2000 hrs. Range at 7.5 knots approx. 1.500 NM.
Extensive equipment incl. water maker, biological waste system, sonar etc.
Four cabins, nine berths. A remarkable ship. Cruising or live aboard.
56 17.17 5.15 1 x 250 1967 265.000
kattegat.jpg (12189 bytes) Ex Navy Patrol    "M/S Kattegat" 
Mercedes engines. Ex HMV-20 patrol boat, very sturdy and
safe, private Motor Yacht.- Sold by owner
56 17.00 4.20 2 x 330 1982 Sold

50 -  30 Feet  

One Off Motor Yacht "My Way""My Way"
Fast attraktiv plads i København kan overtages. Bygget i 10 mm skibsstål som et "one off" skib til kræsen liebhaver. Kan sejle på alle Europa's floder. Ca. 80 m2 beboelse plus agterdæk, der evt. kan overdækkes. Nyrenoveret..!
Pris i DKK 1.595.000 - offers invited
50 15.30 3.80 2 x 200 1978 215.000

Fjord Cruiser og Bo'ombord skib
Nybygningsprojekt. Leveres med eller uden motor.
Beboelse 102 m2. For- og agterdæk 30 m2

52 14.90 4.60

2 x 80

New   p.o.a.
Classic Motor Yacht - "Ausonia II"
Hull in hard wood mahogany from "Ostsee-Werft, Karl Vertens" to Lloyds
+100 A4. Owner always kept her stoored in'house every winter from 1970-2009  The yacht is in absolutely mint condition in all details and has fully updated systems. A true gentlemans Motor Yacht.
49 15.00 3.60 2 x 145 1970 130.000
American Marine Trawler - "Virginia"
Steel hull and teak accomodation. Built by AMS, Hamburg as a one off design
to a very demanding client. Three cabins with six berths. Mint condition.
With a bridge clearance of 3.60 meter she can cruice all the EU water ways..!
Price on application - Make a great deal..!
48 14.85 4.10 2 x 120 1987 p.o.a.
coronet.450.jpg (12454 bytes) Coronet 450 Fly
The Coronet Yard owners private boat, very few engine hrs.
Caterpillar diesel engines
Kajplads på Christianshavn kan evt. overtages af køber
DKK 2.195.000 - offers invited..
45 13.50 4.14 2 x 425 1991 295.000
Nimbus 4004 FB  M/Y - "Carisma", TAMD 41
Velholdt eksemplar med meget udstyr - DKK 1.180.000
Evt. mindre trailerbar MB i bytte.
37 11.20 3.60 2 x 200 1991 169.000
Coronet 38 Commander  - "Eva III"
New TAMD63P engines installed in 2004. Very few engine hours.
Extensive equipment list. You name it and it's there..!
Moored in a fresh water river marina. Very rare model offered for sale
38 11.45 4.11 2 x 370 1981 215.000
frederikke.jpg (10739 bytes) Classic Gentlemans Motoryacht -  "Frederikke"
Like a brand new boat. New engine etc. etc.
A rare juvel from "Thurøbund Yacht Værft" - Sold by owner
37 11.30 3.25 1 x 370 1966 Sold
Coronet 32 Oceanfarer - "Mille"
One of the very few original boats offered. Original diesel engines.1240 hrs.
She is 100% as she left the Coronet Yard in Mullerup in 1979
Mint condition,. Location Frederikssund,  Denmark.
32 9.85 3.32 2 x 130 1979 Offers
Prices in EURO are subject to todays exchange rate 

You are welcome to mail for further information (if any), a ship's location or an appointment direct with the owner
or his representative to inspect a vessel.  You are invited to include your name, address and telephone number.
All details and specifications are believed to be correct. Always subject to the buyer'
s inspection and survey.

birdtran.gif (3877 bytes)

Yachts with new owners - at present not offered for sale.



22 Coronet 22 Sport - Day Cruiser, Mercruiser, 5.7 l, V8 just renovated 6,85 2.47 1 x 300  1978 Sold
27 C.G. Petterson MY - Original, fine condition, Volvo engine 8.20 2.00 1 x 50 1936 "
31 Chaparral 290 Signature, Velh., Duoprop stål, alt i tilbehør - DKK 495.000  9.73 2.97 2 x 205 1996 "
31 Coronet 31 Aft Cabin - "Coronet" - updatet, new equipment, Ford Diesel 9.64 3.18 1 x 220 1978 "
32 Coronet 32 Sedan Fly - TAMD41 diesel, shaft version 10.16 3.32 2 x 200 1987 "
32 Coronet 32 Sedan Fly - AQD-40B diesel, 280SP drive 10.16 3.32 2 x 135 1981 "
32 Coronet 32 Oceanfarer Diesel.    9.85 3.32 2 x 140 "
32 Nimbus 32 Balista DC  9.20 3.20 2 x 200 1992 "
34 Storebro 34 Baltic Fly - Perkins engines, closed wheel house, rare model... 10.35 3.20 2 x 175 1978 "
34 Knud Olsen 34 - Classic Danish MY - Perkins diesel, new owner 10.00 2.75 1 x 75 1951 "
34 Storebro RC 340 Biscay FB 10.23 3.77 2 x 195 1990 "
35 Princess 35 FB  - Dinette  Version 10.74 3.68 2 x 230 1993 Sold
35 Nimbus 35 DC M/Y  10.60 3.55 2 x 200 1989 "


Mahogny Yacht med FlyBridge   10.50 3.30 1 x 210 ? "


Broom Ocean 37 11.28 3.96 2 x 145 1976 "
38 Sea Ray 360 Aft Cabin - Volvo TAMD 41 Diesel, Shafts, Fly bridge 11.60 3.81 2 x 200 1988 "


Brandt-Møller M/Y - 45 mm GRP, new owner feb. 05 12.00 3.65 2 x 180 1970 Sold
40 Pedro 40 Cruiser  - Example 11.80 3.50 1 x 140 1986 "
42 Princess 415, side cabin - french owner 12.95 4.25 2 x 306 1988 "


Princess 415, side cabin, TAMD 70 E - swedish owner 12.95 4.25 2 x 364 1986/88 "
46 WELLCRAFT SAN REMO FB M.Y.                   13.90 4.42 2 x 375 1990 "


Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 - Volvo TAMD 122A diesel...                             14.20 4.55 2 x 460 1990 "
46 Marine Trader Trawler - One Off, new owner in 2002 13.90 4.20 2 x 200 1989
50 Princess 470 M/Y  - Cockpit/FlyBridge       15.24 4.31 2 x 430 1993 Sold
56 HMV-20 Patrol - Motor Yacht  - Mercedes engines 16.15 4.15 2 x 300 1980 "
57 San Lorenzo 57 M/Y, 57'      17.70 5.21 2 x 735 1987 "
58 Horizon 58' - Triple Screw - Aft Cabin version, Three Caterpillar engines 18.78 5.09 3 x 425 1992 "
72 Ex. Torpedo Boat, 40-50 knots, diagonal mahogany hull 22.00 6.50 3x1200 1964 "
114 Gentry Eagle" HS M/Y, 62 knob                                      34.77 7.32 11.460 1988 "